Depositing INR FIAT Currency
Step 1: Navigate to the Deposit Page
Click on Avatar (profile) > Wallet > Deposit
Step 2: Select FIAT and a Deposit Method
Click on the Fiat tab.
Ensure your currency is INR
Select a deposit method.
Tip: Select the recommended methods for seamless deposits.
Step 3: Enter the Amount and Click Deposit
Enter the desired deposit amount
Click Deposit
Step 4: Proceed with the payment
Once you've clicked "Deposit", a pop up window will prompt you to pay.
Please make a payment within the allocated time.
You may make a payment by clicking on the given payment methods, or using manual transfer.
Always ensure all the information entered and submitted is accurate and correct. Failure to do so may result in your deposit being unsuccessful.
Step 5: Check/Obtain your Deposit Order ID
In wallet, select "Transaction" and click on the created deposit order.
A pop up window will display your order details such as Status, Order ID and created time.
Withdrawing INR FIAT Currency
Withdrawals are relatively straightforward. You can withdraw funds through the available channels. However, please note that since banking is involved, withdrawals can take anywhere between 5 minutes to 48 hours.
Tip: Delays can occur while performing FIAT deposits/withdrawals due to failed transactions. If you're looking for seamless and instant transactions, opt for CRYPTO. All transactions in crypto are instant on the platform, with few exceptions.